Thursday, June 09, 2022, 09:07
Yesterday, Wednesday June 08, 2022 @ ~3.00 pm a "dummy" target container was installed in EVAP 2 after the heatshield assembly had been swapped.
The purpose is to test correct functioning of the system. Melting and evaporation on one of the bolts of the previous target container (eLog578) prompted the change in heatshield assembly and current testing.
TGHT was ramped up to 740A @ 4A/min, left to run at the final current for ~4.5 hours and then ramped down @-2A/min to 0A.
Will dismount dummy container this morning.
IGP1=2.5e-07 Torr
Thursday, June 09, 2022, 11:16
The target appears in good shape. No abnormal behaviour.
Picture attached are of the previous failed target eLog 578