Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 12:38
This is to test the newly developed RFQ target to be commissioned this year. The purpose of this test is to see how well the RFQ components can sustain the high temperature. One thermocouple is connected inside the target and the other is connect outside of the Cu heat-shield. RGA will be running to analyze the gasses.
TGHT will be auto-ramped up at the rate of 5A/20min to max current at 1000A.
More info later...
Wednesday, February 06, 2013, 16:11
Heat testing Test#1 complete. Data acquisition in progress.... The test was successful.
Re-heating Test#2 is in progress. This time, with a new re-design target container (less black block mass). Two thermocouples are connected: One on the back block and the other inside the RFQ components.
The TGHT current will go up to at least 580A and the gasses will be monitored with the RGA. Ramping rate: 0.5A/min. Set final current at 400A for now.
TBHT will remain off at this point until we can know the temperature when TGHT is up to 580A.
Thursday, February 07, 2013, 11:39
TGHT reached to 400A/6.30V.
Back block temperature measured at 18.307mV = 1003 C.
RFQ component temperature measured at = 143 C.
TGHT will be ramped up to 580A.
Continue to monitor...
Saturday, February 09, 2013, 09:40
TGHT at 580A, TBHT at 271A (setpoint). Seeing CO2 gassing out. Ramped down TBHT to zero A and continue to monitor.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 16:39
TGHT heated up to 580A and remained at that current over the long weekend.
The thermocouple on the back block was reading wrong because the wires away from the tip were fused to the container at high current. (see attachment #1)
TBHT was ramped up to 300A and then lower to 280A; mass 32 (CH3OH), and 44 (CO2) were detected. This is unusual at 580A = 1200C.
Both TBHT and TGHT were ramped down to zero and the outgassing of these molecules continue to detect on the RGA. (see attachment #2). Suspect of these gasses from the Cu heat-shield or the thermocouple SiO insulator.
For complete process on screenshots, see my dropbox.
Next: Coat this container with TaC and use for the SiC target.