Wednesday, February 09, 2022, 06:55
Target boat with a layer of niobium foil on the bottom used to heat up Nb samples to 1100 C for 4 hrs.
OMEGA slope = 0.99
The niobium samples are wrapped in a layer of Nb foil.
Boat is wrapped with 2 layers of Nb foil.
Good vacuum 3.00e-02 Torr
Bad vacuum 5.00e-02 Torr
Autoramping TGHT at 3A/min to 180A, then monitor until desired temperature (based on eLog 550)
Initial IGP1=9.9e-07 Torr
Wednesday, February 09, 2022, 08:00
TGHT = 225 A, 3.2V
IGP1= 1.17e-06 Torr
OMEGA= 1100C +/- 12C fluctuations
Wednesday, February 09, 2022, 11:55
TGHT= 225 A, 3.3 V
IGP1= 9.7e-07 Torr
OMEGA=1100C +/- 10C fluctuations
Wednesday, February 09, 2022, 11:56
Start cooling @-2A/min |