Objective: Coating the inner surface of a short tantalum tube with rhenium.
- The wire snnaped around 376 W (53 A, and 7.09 V) and 2170 °C (measured with filament pyrometer)
- The tube is coated
Thursday, March 25, 2021, 11:23
Yesterday a heat shield was installed in the EVAP2.
The desired temperature of the Re wire is 2500 degC
A water leak was performed (elog 539 describes it), no leak was detected.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 11:01
Pressure 3.8e-7 Torr, current rate set to 6 A @ 0.5 A/min
The wire started glowing at TGHT = 4W, 7A, 0.56V
When reaching 7A the current was increased 0.5 A manually
When reaching 16 A, the current was increased 1 A manually until reaching 54 A when the wire snapped |