Monday, July 20, 2020, 19:27
Coated Ta tube cotaining 355 SiC disks wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)
Desired temperature= 1800C (expected TGHT 410 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).
good vacuum = 3.00 e-05 Torr
bad vacuum = 5.00 e-05 Torr
Evap 2 was left to pump down over night.
Monday, July 20, 2020, 23:06
IPG1 = 3.1e-06 Torr
Start autoramp at .25A/min to 40A for both TGHT and TBHT
Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 08:06
TGHT = 40.3 A, 0.51 V
TBHT = 39.0 A, 0.46 V
increase auto ramp limit to 50 A for both TGHT and TBHT
IGP1=1.8e-05 Torr
Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 16:22
IGP1= 1.5 e-05 Torr
TGHT = 50.1 A, 0.65 V
TBHT = 50.0 A, 0.60 V
Change ramp target to 350 A for TGHT and 230A for TBHT
Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 13:24
Stopped autoramp. Will allow pressure to drop.
TGHT = 64.0 A, 0.86 V
TBHT = 64.5 A, 0.82 V
Thursday, July 23, 2020, 23:55
TGHT Reached 430 A, 7.7 V
OMEGA reads 1310 C but reading is not considered accurate so will leave at this current for 4 hours.
Friday, July 24, 2020, 11:31
IGP1 = 1.98e-07 Torr
Window for pyrometer was coated with condensate.
Dismounted target and cleaned two windows in line with the pyrometer.