Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:15
Coated Ta tube cotaining 233 SiC disks wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)
Desired temperature= 1800C (expected TGHT 410 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).
Evap 2 was pumped down
Friday, July 17, 2020, 08:49
Total length packed approximately 10 cm
container has 3 Ta heat shields.
No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing
Two TaC coated Ta wire springs inserted at both ends.
Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 40 A at 0.5 A/min
Then heat ramping TGHT manually and automatically to reach 400 A (Omega slope set = 0.990)
Then ramp to temperature = 1800 C
TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max). TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.
Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr
Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr
Initial IGP1 = 6.45e-07 Torr
Friday, July 17, 2020, 20:49
TBHT = 38.9 A, 0.47 V
TGHT = 39.7 A, 0.59 V
IGP1 = 9.1e-06 Torr
Autoramp to 50 A at 0.5 A/min for both TGHT and TBHT
Saturday, July 18, 2020, 09:04
IGP1 = 1.6e-06 Torr
TGHT = 50.5 A, 0.76V
TBHT = 49.7 A, 0.62 V
Starting autoramp at 0.5 A/ min to 400 A TGHT and 230 A TBHT
Saturday, July 18, 2020, 10:17
IGP1 = 5.06e-05 torr
stopped autoramp and allow pressure to decrease and stabilize
Saturday, July 18, 2020, 10:47
IGP1 = 6.65 e-06 Torr and trending down
TGHT = 55.4 A, 0.83 V
TBHT= 54.6 A, 0.68 V
Change autoramp to 0.25 A/min for both heaters (.05 increments and 120s wait)
Sunday, July 19, 2020, 08:46
IGP1= 2.2 e-05 Torr
TBHT = 109.5 A, 1.6 V
TGHT = 106.6 A, 1.7 V
increased ramping rate to .5A/min by decreasing wait intervals to 60 s
Sunday, July 19, 2020, 14:55
IGP1 = 7.1 e -06 Torr
TGHT = 271.8 A, 4.7 V
TBHT = 233.1 A, 4.1 V
Increasing ramping rate to 1 A/min
Sunday, July 19, 2020, 17:35
IGP1 = 2.6e-06 Torr
TGHT = 400 A, 7.2 V
TBHT = 233 A, 4.1 V
Tap manually to 410 (expected 1800 C )
Note* OMEGA reading cannot be obtained.
Leave at 410 A on TGHT for 4 hours.
Sunday, July 19, 2020, 22:57
IGP1 = 7.0 e-07 Torr
TGHT= 410 A , 7.2 V
TBHT = 233 A, 4.2 V
Start cool down at -2A/min for TGHT and -1A/min for TBHT
Monday, July 20, 2020, 12:20
IGP1 = 2.2e-07 Torr
Unloading target |