Thursday, March 24, 2016, 11:37
SiC powder (<1um) [10%] was mixed with PAN solution [10%]. Solution was sonicated before e-spinning.
Fiber mat was binded to graphite foil and heat treated to 250C in air for 1 hour.
Samples were cut in pieces and rolled up and inserted in Ta target container (TaC coated). Heat shield was added.
Heat Treatment #1:
Temperature: 1600C (~350A)
Ramping up TGHT to 300A at 1A/min.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 11:11
TGHT was maintained at 410A for 1600C for 2 days (see attachment 1). However at around 22:30 on March 28, there was a sudden increase in voltage.
Temperature raised up to 1750C. Not sure there was a fault with the control system and it was caused by the Ta-heat shield. (see attachment #2).
Target was cooled down around 2am on March 29.
Samples will be removed from the chamber.