Thursday, November 05, 2015, 16:19
Springs coated with TaC and loaded into container for sintering.
3x Ta heat shield.
EVAP2 currently pumping down.
Friday, November 06, 2015, 08:39
Opened HS water valves, no leaks detected.
Tapped up manually to 35A.
IGP1 = 5.5e-7 Torr.
Friday, November 06, 2015, 10:08
IGP1 = 5.8e-7 Torr.
Vacuum stable.
Initiating auto-ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min with final setpoints of 450A and 230A for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.
See photos attached to view how springs were coated and loaded into container.
Monday, November 09, 2015, 09:07
TGHT reached 450A, 7.2V ~8pm sat, nov 7th.
OMEGA = 1775C
IGP1 = 3.2e-7 Torr.
Tapping up manually to 1900C.