Wednesday, February 05, 2014, 14:13
1st attempt:
UO2/C green was prepared on Feb 4, 2014 [tues]. The slurry was cast on a piece of glass coated with WD40.
The cast was let dry until Feb 5, 2014 [wed] - the cast was cracked and too much WD40 was used because there were oil patches [see attached photo: cast1]; however, the cast peeled off the glass very nicely.
2nd attempt:
Due to cracked and oil patches, decided to re-mill and try again.
Scrapped off cast, added the additional compositions:
1g PEG400, 1g Glycerol, 14g 5% PVA, 2mL n-butanol, 2mL methanol, 20mL DI H2O
Re-milled for 3 hours and cast onto glass coated with slightly less WD40.
Before even allowing cast to dry, can see the slurry is far too thick. The slurry would not spread at all.
Will let dry overnight and attempt to scrape off and re-mill with more DI H2O tomorrow.
Thursday, February 06, 2014, 10:57
Second cast was a lot thicker, but peeled off the glass nicely, will not re-cast. [see attached photo: cast2]
Some material was stuck to the WC jar wall and the balls, same as previously.
Initial UO2 powder used = 50.24g (Inventory R-00855A UO2 + bottle = 695.52g before use)
Graphite powder used = 10.05g
1st attempt = did not measure
2nd attempt dried UO2/C + organic mass = 46.56g (expecting to lose more uranium from re-casting a second time/ sticking to jar + balls)
The green was rolled up and wrapped in a piece of graphite sheet. [see attached photo: target boat]
The Ta-target boat was wrapped with 3-layers of heat shield and installed in EVAP1.
Chamber us currently being pumped down.
Target will be ramped up to 520A at the rate of 0.1A/min.
Vacuum limit stop at 5.0e-5 Torr, backing off at 6.0e-5 Torr.
Friday, February 07, 2014, 10:15
Chamber has pumped down overnight. IG1 currently @ 2.4e-6 Torr.
Stepped up TGHT to 35A/0.187V.
Friday, February 07, 2014, 12:02
TGHT sat at 35A for 2hrs. Pressure took a while to fully stabilize, currently sitting at 1.9e-5 Torr [see attached photo: pre auto-ramp]
Initiating auto-ramping.
Monday, February 24, 2014, 13:37
TGHT reached max setpoint of 520A on friday night.
Power = 5.45V
IGP1 = 3.2e-6 Torr.
Carbonization process is complete.
Initiating auto-cooling at 2.0A/min.
Thursday, October 09, 2014, 13:41
update rename: batch #09 - 02062014 to UC2Flk_01