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Entry  Thursday, August 22, 2013, 18:00, John Wong, UO2/C, Target Boat #2, , Done, Processing UC2 flaskes (batch#06 - 08222013 UO2_C_cast.PNGUCx_flakes.PNG
    Reply  Friday, August 23, 2013, 16:11, John Wong, UO2/C, Target Boat #2, , Problems resolved, Processing UC2 flaskes (batch#06 - 08222013 
       Reply  Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 12:20, Laura Lambert, UO2/C, Target Boat #2, , Done, Processing UC2 flaskes (batch#06 - 08222013 
Message ID: 76     Entry time: Friday, August 23, 2013, 16:11     In reply to: 75     Reply to this: 77
Author: John Wong 
Target Material: UO2/C 
Target Oven W.O#: Target Boat #2 
Status: Problems resolved 
Subject: Processing UC2 flaskes (batch#06 - 08222013 

John Wong wrote:

Thursday, August 22, 2013, 17:31

1st attempt:

UO2/C green was prepared on Aug 14, 2013 (wed).  The slurry was cast on a piece of glass coated with WD40.

The cast was let dry until Aug 26 (Mon) - couldn't peel off from the glass. 

2nd attempt:

So, scrapped off cast, mixed with 30ml H20 in the WC jar, re-milled for 3 hrs, and cast/let dry over night  - SAME SHIT! couldn't peel off!  Don't understand why?!

3rd attempt:

scrapped off, added the additional compositions:

1g PEG400,1g Glycerol, 10g 7% PVA, 2ml n-butanol, 2ml methonal, 20ml DI H2O.

Re-milled for 3 hours, cast and let dry!  Wahlaa... it works! (See attachment#1: pretty uranium pancake!)

However... During this process, some lost of uranium was resulted.  The slurry was more viscous than normal.  Some material was stuck to the WC jar wall and the balls.

Initial UO2 powder used = 50.14g (Inventory R-00835A UO2 + bottle = 795.56 before use)

Graphite powder used = 10g.

1st attempt dried UO2/C + organic  mass = 55.75g

2nd attempt = didn't measure

3rd attempt + additional org mass = 44.5g  (expecting to loss more uranium from the scraping/sticking to jar/balls)

The green was rolled up and wrapped in a piece of graphite sheet.

The Ta-target boat was wrapped with 3-Ta layers of heat shield and installed in Evap1 on Aug 22, 2013.

Chamber is currently being pumped down. IG1 @ 2.4e-4 Torr.

Target will be ramped up to 520A at the rate of 0.1A/min

Vacuum limit stop at 5.0e-5 Torr, backing off at 6.0e-5 Torr



 Friday, August 23, 2013, 15:08

The chamber wasn't pumping down well; there was a problem with the seal on the lid.

Rick M. replaced it. 

The chamber is currently being pumped down;  it seems OK!


ELOG V2.9.2-2455