Target #34 was installed in the EVAP1 and pumped down (Tuesday June 29, 2021).
Target #34 is going to be conditioned on a Ta boat wrapped with 3 Ta foils.
IGP1 = 1.85e-6 Torr
Good vacuum = 1e-1 Torr
Bad vacuum = 5e-1 Torr
Power desired 1.6kW. This is the second target conditioned this way.
Subsequent targets should be conditioned following thermal reduction.
Thursday, July 01, 2021, 06:05
IGP1= 1.35e-06 Torr
Start autoramp @2A/30s to 400A
Thursday, July 01, 2021, 07:59
Pressure increase was observed near 400A
will ramp to 450A and keep for 8 hours
IGP1= 1.4 e-05 Torr
450A and 4.0V reached at 8:14 am on Thursday July 01, 2021
Rampdown @-2A/min was started at 4.14 pm on Thursday July 01, 2021 IGP1 stable at 2.7e-06Torr
Cannot transfer into glovebox yet because moisture is a bit high after regeneration. Moisture is dropping. Will wait until moisture is sufficiently low.
Monday, July 05, 2021, 20:43
Cartridge was removed and placed in bag inside glovebox
Removed 10 discs for analysis but might place them back inside depending on final decision. We had previously removed 10 discs after thermal reduction.