Tuesday, November 05, 2019, 16:43
A TaC coated target container was loaded with a graphite cartridge with UCx
The target container has 3 heat shields
EVAP1 pumping down
Wednesday, November 06, 2019, 11:46
IGP1 = 2.09e-6 Torr
Good vacuum 5e-5 Torr
Bad vacuum 8e-5 Torr
Autoramp set up to:
TGHT= 1 A/min to 465 A (same current used to reach 1865 C in evap2 when sintering TaC coating - e-log 464 evap2)
TBHT= 1 A/min 230 A
Thursday, November 07, 2019, 10:15
After approximately 4 hours at maximum temperature the pressure was 5.85e-6 Torr and the autoramp was set to:
TGHT -1 A/min
TBHT -0.5 A/min
After 4 hours that the current stayed at 0 A, EVAP1 was vented with argon and the target was removed; before transferring the target to the preparatory glove box, the tantalum cap to collect deposits from the target was inspected, there was not deposits on it so it was determined that the conditioning was successful and the target was transferred to the preparatory glove box. |