Before began the carbonization process, two cameras were setup in the hotlab for monitoring the evaporator and the power supply. On duty ISAC Ops also helps to monitor on a regular basis and to grab the striptools + cameras (twice/shift) and put this information in the ISAC Logbook with subject header: "UCx_2011_B 'date time'", for easy search.
P/S camera: http://isaccamera1, user/pw = admin
Evaporator camera: http://isac-cam01, user =admin, pw=yield
Thu Jun 30 12:24:31 2011
UO2 used = 50.29g
Green UO2/C = 71.96g, rolled up /w graphite sheet (15cm x 12cm), and put in the target boat, then wrapped with 3 Ta-heat shields. The target is installed in the evaporator and is being pumped down.
Thu Jun 30 12:45:39 2011: Currently Vac @ 3.75e-5, CG2 @ 0.045T.
Friday, July 01, 2011, 13:28: Vac @ 2.2-6 Torr. TGHT set at 10A yesterday.
Friday, July 01, 2011, 13:42: TGHT stepped up to 36A (panel 33A), 0.134V. No change in vacuum, 2.38e-6 Torr, CG @33mT.
Friday, July 01, 2011, 13:51: TGHT stepped up to 50A (panel 47A), 0.194V. Vac @ 5.7e-6 Torr, CG2 @ 33mT.
Friday, July 01, 2011, 14:09 : Vac was rising slowly. TGHT stepped up to 57A and the pressure started to increase faster. TGHT was brought back down to 30A, and vac is coming down gradually. (See attachment 1#2: Startup Vac/Current)
Friday, July 01, 2011, 14:16 : Auto ramping began. 0.1/min, max currently @ 525A. (see attachement #3: Parameter)
Monday, July 04, 2011, 12:33: TGTH @ 146.20A, Vac @ 4.74e-5 Torr. (see attachment#4: 3-day trend). Increase auto ramping rate to 0.5/min.
Monday, July 04, 2011, 13:01: TGHT @ 148A, Vac @ 5.20e-5 torr. Auto rampiing paused until vacuum goes down to 5.0e-5 torr. (see attachment#4)
Monday, July 04, 2011, 17:34: TGHT @ 220A, VAC started to come down, indicating the burning off organics was done. Increased heating rate to 1A/min.
Friday, July 08, 2011, 21:30: As per Peter Kunz, "I started the target cooldown sequence for IEVAP:TGHT1 at 20:35. The pressure came down to 4e-6 torr. The ramp down rate is 2A/min. Please check if the target heater current comes down to 0A. Then it can cool off over the weekend."
Monday, July 11, 2011, 12:17: Evap glove box flashed with Ar gas, set pressure ~100psi. Chamber also vented with Ar, set pressure @ ~5psi.