Thursday, February 18, 2016, 15:34
Target container was previously coated with TaC spray and sintered.
Container is wrapped with 3 layers of Ta-heat shield, including the center block - same method as for sintering TaC coating [new wrapping method-see elog112 eva2].
The target consists of 244 discs of UCx with 7.8cm in length.
A regular TaC coated endcap is inserted left, wrt the ionizer tube pointing down, so the right is open
The chamber is currently pumping down.
TGHT will be ramped up to 520A at 0.1A/min
Parameter setup: 5.0e-5 good vac, 6.0e-5 bad vac.
Friday, February 19, 2016, 08:28
IG1 = 4.7e-6 Torr
Tapped up manually to 35A.
Waited ~1hr, vacuum stable
IG1 = 3.8e-6 Torr.
Initiating auto-ramp.