Thursday, October 15, 2015, 15:52
Target container previously sintered with TaC in Evap#2 - Target current at 440A, temp measured at 1900C. A few tests on the temp measured were done (see Evap#2 elog #251 & 252).
Note: This is the new design container with a small back block.
Container is loaded with 245 discs of UC2; measured disc length 7.5 cm
A regular TaC coated endcap is inserted left, wrt the ionizer tube pointing down, so the right is open - discs are held on with Ta wire spring.
3 layers of Ta-heat shield is used.
Target heater will be ramped up to 440A (according to the achieved temperature from Evap#2).
Ramping rate at 0.1A/min.
Monitor closely on the vacuum around 400A to see if the carbonization process is complete.
Chamber is currently being pumped down.
Friday, October 16, 2015, 10:33
Chamber has pumped down to 2e-6 Torr.
Stepping up TGHT to 70A/0.23V.
Friday, October 16, 2015, 14:55
TGHT stepped up to 70A, pressure went to max 5.7e-5 Torr and it's coming down.
Initated autoramping. (good vac at 5e-5 Torr, bad at 6.0e-5 Torr)
Thursday, October 22, 2015, 12:26
TGHT has reached 440A/4.403V and stablized for about 5 hours.
Pressure started coming down at around 370A which indicated the ending of the carbonization process.
Currently vacuum is at 5.6e-6 torr.
Initiated cooling down process at 2A/min.