Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 13:28
Target container was previously coated with TaC spray and sintered.
It's is wrapped with 3 layers of Ta-heat shield, including the center block.
The target consists of 221 discs of UCx with 7.3cm in length.
A regular TaC coated endcap is inserted left, wrt the ionizer tube pointing down, so the right is open - discs are held on with Ta wire spring.
The chamber is currently pumping down.
TGHT will be ramped up to 520A at 0.1A/min
Parameter setup: 5.0e-5 good vac, 6.0e-5 bad vac.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 14:43
IG1 = 1.8e-5 Torr.
Tapped up manually to 30A.
Vacuum stable; IG1 = 1.2e-5 Torr.
Initiating auto-ramp.
Thursday, July 02, 2015, 08:41
EVAP1 was tripped off due to backflow preventer test this morning.
IG1 - 4.2e-6 Torr.
Tapping back-up manually before re-initiating auto-ramp.
Thursday, July 02, 2015, 11:49
Tapped up manually to 85A, 0.65V
IG1 = 3.6e-6 Torr.
Initiating auto-ramp.
Friday, July 03, 2015, 14:47
All water valves look good, flow is good.
WV turned back on, TGHT turned back on.
Tapped back up manually to 20A.
IG1 = 2.3e-6 Torr
Initiating auto-ramp at 0.1A/min with a max setpoint of 150A over the weekend.
Will continue to ramp up monday.
Approved by Peter Kunz.