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Message ID: 80     Entry time: Thu Jul 16 14:11:43 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: MCOL3 slits calibrations 

I ran through a calibration exercise for the IOS slits. Here is my data. I have moved each set to the midpoint of the largest (5mm) slit position. This does not necessarily agree with the book value. Never mind. Leave 'em alone, even though it appears that the numbers are switched (they're not).

Parameter Readback Pot
FC6 90% down at... 4.96 4.93
  10.57 10.66
  17.78 18.01
FW10% max mid-section calculated at... 16.08 15.23
FC6 90% up at... 14.35 13.51
  17.77 16.93
FW90% max mid-section calculated at... 16.06 15.22
Previous setting at... 14.04  
Clipping: None.
Parameter Readback Pot
FC6 90% down at... 4.96 4.93
  10.57 10.66
  17.78 18.01
FW10% max mid-section calculated at... 14.18 14.34
FC6 90% up at... 12.69 12.91
  15.27 15.57
FW90% max mid-section calculated at... 13.98 14.24
Previous setting at... 16.11  
Clipping: 25.5enA (Out) -> 24.0enA (5mm)

Check 18O4+ emittance and compare with yesterday: good. Note again that emittance rig is running with manually-fitted reverse bias.

Attachment 1: grab.k15763.png  25 kB  Uploaded Thu Jul 16 15:20:41 2009  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: grab.h15767.png  14 kB  Uploaded Thu Jul 16 15:20:52 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: grab.J15771.png  14 kB  Uploaded Thu Jul 16 15:21:01 2009  | Show | Hide all
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