Keerthi did some 18On+ frequency scans this morning. He observed 18O8+! I am attempting to repeat it myself now. Reverse bias on FC6.
Peaks at:
13.0277GHz => 1epA (unstable)
13.1023GHz => 1epA (unstable)
13.1695GHz => 10epA (unstable)
13.1672GHz => 20epA (unstable) stripchart attached
13.006GHz => .7epA stripchart at 17:24 attached
First, optimize current versus frequency and amplitude. Unfortunately at 5dB the beam blinked out. Go fishing, then find it again. Attached is stripchart at 17:30, where I was optimizing, then switched bias to Normal, then watched beam blink out. Then stripchart at 17:49 shows beam back again, reverse bias on the left and normal bias on the right: ~10epA. RF settings also attached. Minutes later, beam is still on. FTR, the original RF is appended at the end.