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Message ID: 480     Entry time: Wed Aug 13 15:00:27 2014
Author: Raymond Dubé 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: OLIS Surface Source broken Ionizer Coil 

We spent most of the day looking at OLIS to find out why the "Ionizer Coil" keeps breaking down, we found the following:

1.  The FAN to cool R5 (ref: ISK4583D rev.7) a 25 Ohm 200W Resistor (2x50 ohm/100W ea.) was not ON, the nylon insulator (also the plastic tube across to the HV Terminal) was burnt and not holding the R5 resistor properly, I replaced the plastic insulator with a ceramic insulator.

Note that if the PE electrode is open it will charge up to the beam energy and start sparking.  Also I used a red heatshrink tubing to prevent the BNC connector (it sits at Common) to touch the Cu pipe for the Plasma electrode water cooling.


2.  Drawing for PE Polarity Switch: ISK4386D rev. 5


3.  Drawing for EE:SS BOP (resistors & spark gap): ISK4584D rev. 1


4.  Drawing for OLIS Surface & McroWave Source electrical diagram: ISK4583D rev. 7

Attachment 1: ISK4386D-rev5.pdf  175 kB
Attachment 2: ISK4583D-rev7.pdf  283 kB
Attachment 3: ISK4584D-rev1.pdf  85 kB
Attachment 4: PE-R5-FAN_ON.jpg  776 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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