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Message ID: 45     Entry time: Mon Jul 6 17:34:24 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: 18O background studies 

Well... my browser blew away just before I submitted version one of this entry. Let's try again.

Keerthi changed the tune this morning to 10kV on the MCIS bias in order to allow the full throw of the Enzel lens power supply. (Remember, for the moment the panel displays twice what the physical power supply is actually delivering, because it is a 10kV supply, whereas the control system expects a 20kV supply. Such will be the reality in the fullness of time.) He looked at 18O in background gas. It's there all right. We have an up-coming TIGRESS run that calls for 18O delivery. The schedule shows 21Ne for that run, which goes from July 15 - 20.But in fact 21Ne was just a placeholder and 18O is really required. That put us in a spot, because we had not ordered a backup bottle of 18O source gas, and our present bottle would only give us a very few days of operation from the MWS. However, the same bottle would run for months in the MCIS.Pick an option. We floated this situation at the Beam Delivery meeting today. The user really wants 18O, not just an A/q=18 or 9 pilot beam. Good. We can delivery plenty of 18O4+ from the MCIS. Gordon confirmed that 18O from the MCIS is a done deal, and the general attendance concurred.

Run plan for the short term:

1. Complete 18O background studies today.

2. Shut down OLIS for transformer work in the morning.

3. Spin down turbos for source gas change.

4. Install 18O source gas tomorrow morning.

5. Restart vacuum system and source mid-morning.

6  Condition as required.

7. Check intensity and emittance of 18O4+.

Note that 18O4+ is the only charge state that fits within the acceptance range of the DTL. However, it is on the lower end of the Pre-Buncher. Historically a low-level pre-amp was required on the Pre-Buncher in order for it to operate properly. That's between Marco and Ken Fong et al.

Well... Firefox crashed again. What's up with that?

I am having an argument with the OLIS emittance rig. It is returning zero data on 18O scans. Try with 12C, where there is oodles of beam. Aha! A spot! A couple more passes, and we have a "perfect" 12C1+ emittance scan. Here it is. Note: Slits are at 5mm setting.

Now I am trying a scan of 18O2+ with some 1.5nA on FC6. Here we go... Faint, but it's there. Slightly different vertical offset. Done.

Prepare for orderly shutdown of source.

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