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Message ID: 44     Entry time: Mon Jul 6 10:57:08 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: Beam stability versus temperature over weekend 

We had 16O3+ on FC6 on Friday. An IOSIOC reboot occurred mid-afternoon Friday unfortunately. Operators restored beam at about 06:00 on Saturday. Beam came back fine. I requested FC3 in at 18:00 Saturday to get some temperature correlation with total beam. Maybe there is a correlation, but a longer stretch is needed. Something stopped at 18:00 on Sunday. Keerthi told me this morning that he found steerers off, and switching them on restored beam instantly. Good. Plot attached. Red is FC6 beam. Brown is FC3 beam.

This morning Keerthi began studies on 18O background. Optics are now set for 18O2+ delivery. We will pursue that today. Tentatively the run plan for this week will include:

1. 18O background studies.

2. Repeat emittance scans of the charge states of 16O with slits open.

3. Prepare emittance versus charge and frequency versus charge for 16O, 17O, 18O, 20Ne, 21Ne and 22Ne.

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