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Message ID: 39     Entry time: Tue Jun 30 17:39:13 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: Compare 16O2+ beam from start of run to today 

There seemed to be some small change to the beam over the week of TACTIC running. I would like to poke around a bit. The emittance plots suggest some vertical movement at least. The two plots are the before (emittance) and after (emittance). The two tune saves are 090624_0930.snapmcisfc6 and 090629_1730.snapmcisfc6 (present tune) respectively. Here is how they look juxtaposed. I restored the downstream elements. Let's see what that looks like in an emittance scan. They compare well! All changes in beam position can be completely attributed to tuning changes. End of story. I have restored the tune and centred up the emittance plots. Done.

Attachment 1: grab.X10179.png  28 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 2: grab.Q10298.png  23 kB  Uploaded Tue Jun 30 18:51:36 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: grab.s10303.png  14 kB  Uploaded Tue Jun 30 18:51:48 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 4: grab.d10553.png  23 kB  Uploaded Tue Jun 30 19:22:43 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 5: grab.N10566.png  14 kB  Uploaded Tue Jun 30 19:23:16 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 6: grab.z10576.png  14 kB  Uploaded Tue Jun 30 19:23:41 2009  | Show | Hide all
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