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Message ID: 375     Entry time: Mon Dec 6 09:08:52 2010
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: 80Kr14+/40Ar7+ for SEBT Development 

The previous 12C2+ development run from the Supernanogan ended Friday morning. Starting Friday afternoon, the Supernanogan was prepared for an upcoming SEBT development using krypton beams. The source was ready overnight. There were some teething pains over the weekend. An A/q=5.71 beam is sitting on FC6 presently. The beam schedule shows an experiment change on Thursday morning.

Later... Some notes about krypton.

Naturally occurring isotopes:
Kr-78   ( 0.35% , 2.0E+21 ) Kr-80   ( 2.25% ) Kr-82   ( 11.6% ) Kr-83   ( 11.5% ) Kr-84   ( 57.0% ) Kr-86   ( 17.3% )

Some A/q values:

  • 40/7 = 5.7143
  • 80/14 = 5.7143
  • 82/14 = 5.8571
  • 82/15 = 5.4667
  • 83/15 = 5.5333
  • 84/15 = 5.6
  • 86/15 = 5.7333

Keerthi's mass scans from Saturday:

  1. Background scan
  2. Krypton scan (note multi-peaks in A/q = 5.7 to 5.75 range)
  3. FC6 at A/q=7.3333



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Attachment 3: NoKr.png  45 kB  Uploaded Mon Dec 6 17:54:46 2010  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: WithKr.png  48 kB  Uploaded Mon Dec 6 17:54:57 2010  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 5: mass7point333.png  23 kB  Uploaded Mon Dec 6 17:55:08 2010  | Show | Hide all
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