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Message ID: 373     Entry time: Thu Dec 2 10:02:46 2010
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: 12C2+ for Commissioning 

Accelerator development continues. Save: 101201_2157.snaiosvault. Today's agenda: emittance scans. Attached: overnight beam plus a preliminary horizontal emittance scan 101202_0951ILTEMIT.txt.

Later... First good scan 101202_1016ILTEMIT.txt.

Next... Second scan 101202_1016ILTEMIT.txt with FC at lower gain, due to lots of red in the first scan. Too noisy.

Next... Third scan 101202_1041ILTEMIT.txt, first the raw pic, then filtered a couple of ways.

Scanner parked, and beam on FC6 again. There is interest in doing a vertical scan. This will require physically moving the emittance rig to the perpendicular face of its diagnostics box. Awaiting decision.

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