Tried to see the background before 33S installation. Found few problems: MCIS:YCB1 does not hold more than 58V.
Very difficult to transport the beam without YCB1. Need to find a solution. Open and fix it is not an option even though we have a ready spare. It will take two weeks to get the vacuum back.
Outgoing TIGRESS experiment was the occasion for another ISAC milestone, 8MeV/u through the SCC for the first time just around midnight last Friday, May 21st. This also represented the first 8MeV/u beam to an experiment. And we can proudly say that OLIS beam was used. TIGRESS run ended at 08:30 as scheduled. Attached is a trar graph of beam on FC6, snapped periodically throughout the run. As before, you can see a small daily variation likely related to temperature of NA-LCW. There were reports of HPL tests this past Thursday and Friday. Evidently no effect over here.