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Message ID: 257     Entry time: Fri Apr 30 12:58:21 2010
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: 16O1+ at 32.64keV to SEBT2 

Delivery to S1151 went quietly overnight for their last few hours. The run ended at ~08:30 as scheduled. Marco and ICR did some EOB checks. Also, a quick EOB emittance scan is attached. There were problems with the beam tune save files, since resolved. Among the last ones are 100430_0918.snapiossebt2 (missing SEBT optics) and 100429_2023.snapiossebt2.

Attachment 1: grab.s30283.png  50 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 2: grab.Y30291.png  17 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: grab.z30299.png  18 kB  | Show | Hide all
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