As mentioned before, IOSIOC was rebooted yesterday afternoon to unfreeze the emittance rig panel. It cost us our tune, which unfortunately wasn't saved very well. Lesson learned: Save often. I will run a mass scan now and check the mass correlations calibration. Then I will pick up with some 16On+ emittance scans. Keerthi was here until late last night working with the beam also. He will have some results for sure.
The first emittance scan of the day is in, 16O1+ at 10:29.
The second emittance scan of the day is in, 16O2+ at 11:00.
Break for a mass scan to A/q=50. (Fire alarm in ISAC-II rang around 11:30.) Here is the first part. I have run the data in Gabe's Calibrate program and adjusted the two constants slightly. Looks very good. BTW there are some new artefacts in the mass correlation plot that weren't there before. They don't affect anything but the appearance of the plot. However, they do append a few lines of spurious data to the plot data file, which have to be expunged manually.
The third emittance scan: 16O2+ check at 13:08. Looks OK.
The fourth scan : 16O4+ and friends at 13:24.
The fifth scan: 16O5+ at 13:31. This one should be redone.
The sixth scan: 16O3+ at 13:39.