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Message ID: 209     Entry time: Thu Dec 10 08:59:05 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: OLIS development for CUSP source continued  

Source stayed up quietly overnight. Current dropped off gradually. I will tweak things shortly.

Beam tweaked up to 3eµA. Pressure is ~5e-7 Torr. Plan for today will include a rework of the arc and plasma power supply wiring to achieve higher V on arc and opposite polarity on plasma.

Later... First iteration of plasma polarity swap was a bust. The supply couldn't handle the back EMF or something, and the beam was unstable. Keerthi tweaked something... Now it's stable. Some measurements taken with varying the arc supply and tweaking the rest to follow. More of the same to come. Meanwhle, there are 6.5eµA of 4He2+ on FC6 presently.

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