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Message ID: 206     Entry time: Mon Dec 7 09:48:24 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: OLIS development for CUSP source continued 

The OLIS cage was open over the weekend. IOS pressure is in the 4e-7 range, with source gas manifold closed and external helium bottle slightly opened through the metering valve. Today's game plan is being discussed presently.

Later ~11:00: Restart source. 50enA of A/q=2 at FC6. We had planned to restart with background source gas, but pressure is too low in gas lines, and a plasma is forming there. I have opened helium on gas manifold, with flow controller at zero SP. ~0.5ccm result. Background pressure ~4e-7 Torr; present pressure = ~1e-6 Torr.

Later ~15:00: Tweak source and IOS. Presently we have 0.5uA of A/q=2 on FC6. Big contributors: EE + vertical steering. Attached pic shows beam since ~startup this morning and a flurry of activity around midday. I will begin some source gas tests shortly.

Later... Source gas tests part one completed. Solenoid valve upstream of flow controller closed, then flow readback, pressure drop and FC^ noted until source gas line became a "neon" lamp. Part two barely begun, when FUG blew a fuse on normal startup and (how embarrassing) we don't have replacements handy. Also, upon opening the RG helium line, we found it was tricky to get a good pressure. We have it now. Fuse will have to wait until man~ana, though.

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