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Message ID: 179     Entry time: Wed Nov 4 09:46:07 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: MCIS online with 17O3+ on FC6 for development 

Beam stayed up overnight nicely. Development today. RF scans in progress now.

Later... scanning done for the moment. Controls is looking at a PLC issue that has been on the books for a while. I have given the okay to turn on and off MCIS:IG1 at will.

Later aroun noon... We opened the cage and adjusted up the 17O2 flow slightly. Source is up and looking good. Optimize later.

Done for now. Some mass scans done. 1.2eµA at FC6.

Later... an initial emittance scan. Slits at 2.5mm.

Later... some tuning and another emittance scan. Slits at 5mm. 1.4eµA at FC6. EL deliberately low to balance skimmer spills. Save: 091104_1800.snapiosfc6

Let it cook for the night.

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Attachment 9: grab.zF3715.png  14 kB  Uploaded Wed Nov 4 18:18:13 2009  | Show | Hide all
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