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Message ID: 176     Entry time: Mon Nov 2 09:32:40 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: MCIS on with 33S5+ on FC6 over the weekend 

Beam came up nicely on  Friday, and stayed up quuietly over the weekend. Note the absence of periodic spikes in the separator field readback since the last IOC reboots.

Later... I have asked ICR to make us a nice emittance scan. (They are running beam at 8pi presently as well.)

Later... Well, nothing's ever simple. Eventually the emittance scan controls froze up, requiring an IOSIOC reboot. That of course zeroed optics. ICR recovered the beam. Attached is the final emittance scan. Slits are in at the 5mm positions.

That's it for 33S5+ development. I will switch off the source momentarily, and shut down the source gas supply.

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Attachment 2: Picture_2.png  204 kB  Uploaded Mon Nov 2 16:47:20 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: Picture_3.png  124 kB  Uploaded Mon Nov 2 16:47:33 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 4: Picture_4.png  106 kB  Uploaded Mon Nov 2 16:47:52 2009  | Hide | Hide all
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