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Message ID: 160     Entry time: Tue Oct 13 14:14:17 2009
Author: Damien Gallop 
Subject: MCIS setup for 33S5+ 

Keerthi has reinstalled the SO2 source gas bottle onto MCIS. Presently it is closed off to the source. We have restarted the plasma. Present goal: a good setup for 33S5+ with background levels (hopefully near zero) on FC6. Source pressure was 4.xe-8 Torr this morning, and has crept up to 5.0e-8 since we restarted the RF.

Later... We scaled a A/q=5.5 tune up to A/q=6.6 (33/5). Separator field = 1459.9G. Tuning in progress.

Later... First pass, shown below. Skimmers < 5uA. Snap: 091013_1651.snapiosfc6

Source switched off for the night.

Attachment 1: Picture_2.png  66 kB  Uploaded Tue Oct 13 17:43:21 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 2: Picture_3.png  191 kB  Uploaded Tue Oct 13 17:45:26 2009  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: Picture_4.png  97 kB  Uploaded Tue Oct 13 17:46:58 2009  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: Picture_5.png  120 kB  Uploaded Tue Oct 13 17:49:49 2009  | Show | Hide all
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