M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 13 of 15  ELOG logo
Entry  Tue Nov 27 21:02:08 2007, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, power lead ripples 
power leads were oscillating tonight. John K. came down and cycled CV142. 
(Thanks John!) Temps settling out.
Entry  Mon Dec 3 14:59:58 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Not really a quench recovery, But... 
Not really a quench recovery, but...I wanted to send this out via e-mail. 
The contactor for the compressor building fan failed recently. Randy is 
looking after it, but parts will have to be ordered. The big door should 
stay open until the fan is running again. 
Other than the fan, the rest of the system weathered the weather okay. 
It's up and running until Wednesday morning. After maintenance day, we 
should ramp down the solenoid power supply and leave the refrigerator 
running. We can do some training and maintenance at this time. I would 
also like to keep it cold until blocks can be removed so we can pump out 
the cold box.
Entry  Tue Apr 1 15:17:06 2008, Doug Preddy, Start Up, Starting up vacuum systems 
Monday afternoon there was no control of the vacuum system. The controls were working, but no output to devices. The "output" breaker in the PLC box was found to be tripped. Reseting it allowed control to the vacuum systems. I started the regeneration of BCP2 this morning, but hte output breaker tripped again. reset it and continued to pump. Started to pump out the solenoid also. Removed jumper on the BDP2 temperature read-back, bypassed BV2, and BCG2. This allows pumping through the diffussion pump. Cold box has been pumping for a few weeks. It's at 2.0 x 10-3
Entry  Wed Apr 16 15:12:01 2008, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, graphs to load 
There are three strip tools saved: coils powerlead startup
Entry  Wed Apr 16 15:15:44 2008, Doug Preddy, Start Up, refrigerator started  
Turned on compressor last Tuesday. Ran purifier until today. Final value 0.15ppm. Started cool down yesterday. Switched into parallel cold return this morning, but PIC 229 would not allow the compressor to charge. The compressor tripped due to bad solenoid vacuum (solenoid was warming up). The controller now seems to be working okay. Restarted in parallel warm mode at ~12:00
Entry  Wed Apr 16 16:51:16 2008, Doug Preddy, Start Up, switched to parallel cold return 
Entry  Thu Apr 17 13:52:25 2008, Doug Preddy, Start Up, switched to series mode at 9:30 this morning 
switched to series mode at 9:30 this morning. Added two bottles of helium gas. Started flow to power leads.
Entry  Mon Apr 28 09:03:22 2008, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, power leads warmed during weekend 
The power lead temperatures suddenly rose on Sunday morning. No rippling occured before the woarm up. I shut flow off this morning for about 10 minutes (until the LHe in went up to 30K) and then open the flow back up. The temperature seem to be recovering.
Entry  Sun Jul 13 20:17:24 2008, Doug Preddy, Other, Helium refrigerator problems 
In early June the helium compressor was running with the solenoid cold. A vavlve broke off at the suction side of the compressor. The entire helium inventory was lost. The cold box tripped off, but the compressor did not. It ran for ~ 2 hours before I came in and shut the system down. The valve was repairedby Kevin T and Neil Wong. We ran hot (>100C) nitrogen through the fourth adsorber for one week. The solenoid and cold box were allowed to warm above 273C. The compressor, all piping, cold box, solenoid and buffer tank were pumped and purged with helium three times. Liquid helium was boiled off to pressurize the system to 10 psi and bottled gas was added to allow the compressor to start. We started the compressor and ran the gas through the purifier for three weeks. During the third week we added a second purifier. The purity was not measurable with the meter that we had. An RGA was set up to give some information on the rate of scrubbing. After three weeks the gas purity was better that 2 PPM. The system was cooled down. We added ~ 75 LL of heium via boil off to the system. As the cooling progressed it was noted that the power supply for the 80K shield heater was burnt. An auto transformer was wired into the system and will be used until a replacement power supply can be purchased.
Entry  Tue Jul 15 08:47:13 2008, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Screen grab of normal running july_15_08_0841.jpgjuly_15_08_0846.jpg
Solenoid was recovered on Sunday July 13. The power leads started to ripple slightly this morning, so I cycled HIC142. No real change.
Entry  Thu Jul 24 16:28:50 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, power bump 
There was a power bump at ~15:00 today. All mseon hall cooling water went off. Compressor tripped. Main magnet went off. Restarted compressor after water pumps came back on. Started flow to the cold box. Compressor outlet pressure went >12 Bar and tripped of the compressor. Restarted again and am now cooling in parallel cold return. Solenoid ~25K.
Entry  Fri Jul 25 21:48:15 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, another quench 
System was stable and solenoid ramped up at 4:00 today. At about 7:30 it tripped off again. I came in and restarted the compressor and am now cooling in parallel cold return mode. Solenoid is at ~30K. I talked to Kevin and he will get the power leads on tomorrow morning. Once they are stable the power supply can be ramped up. I phoned Curtis, but there was no answer (he may be on holidays??)
Entry  Sat Jul 26 01:06:04 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Refrigerator in series mode 
Switched to series mode. Solenoid ~8K, starting to build liquid.
Entry  Sat Jul 26 01:29:21 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, power leads 
ops will monitor liquid level. When it's at 60% they will come down and open the power lead valve. When the temperature ripples die out the solenoid can be energized.
Entry  Sat Aug 23 17:02:38 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid quenched 
The solenoid quenched this afternoon at ~12:30. The compressor shut down. Fault lights were cold box trip. Restarted the compressor by 3:30 and started flow to the solenoid by 4:15. Peter Yandon came down with Ops' radio to investigate the radios may trip the solenoid. When the radio is keyed the vacuum guages jump. CG1, CG5 and the pirani gauges. This would trip of the refrigerator. More investigation to happen tomorrow and on maintenance day.
Entry  Sun Aug 24 06:45:14 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switch to series mode 
Entry  Thu Sep 4 10:02:55 2008, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, ramping down solenoid 
Solenoid power supply will be turned off for Fall shutdown.
Entry  Tue Sep 9 15:04:23 2008, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, Jumpered interlock for diff pump water flow 
Jumpered interlock for diff pump water flow in Proteus box.
Entry  Fri Sep 26 09:44:25 2008, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, Water flow interlock restored 
Entry  Fri Sep 26 09:45:18 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid quenched at 7:50 
Compressor on. Turbines started. Vacuum system recovering.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455