ID |
Date |
Author |
Operational Mode |
Subject |
Text |
Sun Oct 5 18:54:27 2008 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Solenoid Quench ~16:30 | Restarted compressor and flow to coldbox by
18:30 |
Mon Dec 12 09:24:29 2005 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Solenoid Quench on power lead temp | The solenoid tripped on power lead temps at
about 9:15. I am recovering it
from it's all around mode into parallel cold |
Tue Aug 8 07:27:49 2006 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Solenoid Quench at about 6:00 this morning | No indication of problem. Turbines still running,
but no flow to solenoid.
Started flow. Solenoid ~20K. |
Tue Oct 9 12:58:22 2007 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Solenoid Quench 2 | Refrigeration sytem shut off at ~ 12:30 today.
No apparent reason. Only
light on was a cold box fault.
Fri Apr 27 10:10:07 2007 |
Doug Preddy | Normal Running | Solenoid Cold | Solenoid cold, power leads cold. Alarm handler
started. |
Mon Apr 26 07:48:46 2004 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Series mode | Switching over to series mode. |
Tue Jul 15 08:47:13 2008 |
Doug Preddy | Normal Running | Screen grab of normal running | Solenoid was recovered on Sunday July 13.
The power leads started to ripple slightly
this morning, so I cycled HIC142. No real |
Thu May 19 15:05:31 2005 |
Doug Preddy | Maintenance | STA 120 replaced | The turbine 2 speed indicator control box
STA 120 has been replaced with a
newer style Jaquet controller. This is similar |
Thu Aug 10 08:33:44 2006 |
Doug Preddy | Normal Running | Running low on helium | Temperture okay, but there are fluctuation
in the power leads. PIC229 is
trying to charge. The buffer tank pressure |
Fri Jul 28 20:39:40 2006 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Restarting refrigerator | Solenoid quenched at about 6:00 tonight.
I restarted the compressor, then the cold
box and turbines. When cold box
Fri Apr 27 10:32:07 2007 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Reset quench relay logic box | The quench relay logic controller was not
functioning correctly. It showed
a "Trip" light and no other lights. I cycled |
Wed Dec 10 15:44:58 2008 |
Doug Preddy | Maintenance | Repairs to solenoid power supply | Klaus and company pulled the ramp rate card
out of the solenoid power supply. Operational
checks were done and the rate switch was |
Tue Jun 29 14:59:46 2004 |
Willy Andersson | Normal Running | Removed jumper on vacuum controller. | Tuesday 14:55
Removed jumper on back of PIC 901. This jumper |
Mon Apr 18 09:52:11 2005 |
Doug Preddy | Maintenance | Relays replaced | The following relays have been replaced in
the Sulzer control panel:
K341, K379, K132, K324A, K314, K125, K127, |
Sat Jul 26 01:06:04 2008 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Refrigerator in series mode | Switched to series mode. Solenoid ~8K, starting
to build liquid. |
Fri May 26 14:34:24 2006 |
Doug Preddy | Start Up | Ready to run | Solenoid is cold, liquid level is 35%, power
leads cold and seem stable.
Added one bottle helium to buffer tank. Pressure |
Wed Oct 4 18:10:18 2006 |
Willy Andersson | Start Up | Quick check on system | System in good // warm return mode, temps
coming down nicely. BCP2 cryopump
does not look too healthy, temperature is |
Mon Sep 13 10:55:25 2004 |
Doug Preddy | Shut Down | Quench and shutdown | The solenoid quenched on powerlead temps this
morning at 10:00. It is
warming up and the power leads are >200K.Isolating |
Tue Jul 19 18:09:56 2005 |
Willy Andersson | Quench Recovery | Quench II | Machine trip just as I was exiting the TRIUMF
gate. QRL said cold box fault
as did red lite on compressor. At cold box |
Wed May 30 11:27:32 2007 |
Doug Preddy | Quench Recovery | Problems recovering | Various start up problems :
MV51 stuck open. Finally got it closed by
hitting the valve with a hammer.