M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 11 of 15  ELOG logo
ID Date Author Operational Mode Subjectdown
  263   Sun Oct 5 18:54:27 2008 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid Quench ~16:30
Restarted compressor and flow to coldbox by 18:30
  115   Mon Dec 12 09:24:29 2005 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid Quench on power lead temp
The solenoid tripped on power lead temps at about 9:15. I am recovering it 
from it's all around mode into parallel cold return.
  151   Tue Aug 8 07:27:49 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid Quench at about 6:00 this morning
No indication of problem. Turbines still running, but no flow to solenoid. 
Started flow. Solenoid ~20K.
  227   Tue Oct 9 12:58:22 2007 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid Quench 2
Refrigeration sytem shut off at ~ 12:30 today. No apparent reason. Only 
light on was a cold box fault. 
Restarted in parallel cold return mode.
  191   Fri Apr 27 10:10:07 2007 Doug PreddyNormal RunningSolenoid Cold
Solenoid cold, power leads cold. Alarm handler started.
  15   Mon Apr 26 07:48:46 2004 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySeries mode
Switching over to series mode.
  250   Tue Jul 15 08:47:13 2008 Doug PreddyNormal RunningScreen grab of normal running
Solenoid was recovered on Sunday July 13. The power leads started to ripple slightly this morning, so I cycled HIC142. No real change.
Attachment 1: july_15_08_0841.jpg
Attachment 2: july_15_08_0846.jpg
  93   Thu May 19 15:05:31 2005 Doug PreddyMaintenanceSTA 120 replaced
The turbine 2 speed indicator control box STA 120 has been replaced with a 
newer style Jaquet controller. This is similar to the ones used in the 
ISAC helium liquifier. See attached photos for set up parameters. These 
were taken from the old controller, Sulzer documentation, and the ISAC 2 
Attachment 1: M9 Turbine 2.doc
  155   Thu Aug 10 08:33:44 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningRunning low on helium
Temperture okay, but there are fluctuation in the power leads. PIC229 is 
trying to charge. The buffer tank pressure is just >0 psi. I will lower the 
liquid level to 40% to allow some helium to boil off into the buffer tank.
  148   Fri Jul 28 20:39:40 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoveryRestarting refrigerator
Solenoid quenched at about 6:00 tonight.
I restarted the compressor, then the cold box and turbines. When cold box 
was at 25K I started flow to the solenoid in parallel cold return.
  193   Fri Apr 27 10:32:07 2007 Doug PreddyQuench RecoveryReset quench relay logic box
The quench relay logic controller was not functioning correctly. It showed 
a "Trip" light and no other lights. I cycled the power to the controller 
and it now seems to be working properly. This did cause a quench and I am 
now recovering the system.
  266   Wed Dec 10 15:44:58 2008 Doug PreddyMaintenanceRepairs to solenoid power supply
Klaus and company pulled the ramp rate card out of the solenoid power supply. Operational checks were done and the rate switch was cleaned. The card was reinserted and the ramp rate was checked. The power supply seems to ramp at a proper rate in all positions. ***Note*** The output voltage of the power supply is proportional to the ramp rate. The faster the ramp rate the higher the output voltage.
  31   Tue Jun 29 14:59:46 2004 Willy AnderssonNormal RunningRemoved jumper on vacuum controller.
Tuesday 14:55

Removed jumper on back of PIC 901. This jumper should be off during
normal operation so the solenoid/refrigerator is protected from bad vacuum.
  92   Mon Apr 18 09:52:11 2005 Doug PreddyMaintenanceRelays replaced
The following relays have been replaced in the Sulzer control panel:
K341, K379, K132, K324A, K314, K125, K127, K133, K252, K227, K233, K238, 
K239, K245, K246.
These were the one that had indications of sever rusting inside the case.
There are five more spare relays in the gray cupboard.
  253   Sat Jul 26 01:06:04 2008 Doug PreddyQuench RecoveryRefrigerator in series mode
Switched to series mode. Solenoid ~8K, starting to build liquid.
  122   Fri May 26 14:34:24 2006 Doug PreddyStart UpReady to run
Solenoid is cold, liquid level is 35%, power leads cold and seem stable.
Added one bottle helium to buffer tank. Pressure is 7 psi..
  163   Wed Oct 4 18:10:18 2006 Willy AnderssonStart UpQuick check on system
System in good // warm return mode, temps coming down nicely. BCP2 cryopump 
does not look too healthy, temperature is just over 20K, very close to low 
set point.

TIC121 down to 120K, Mu1 return temp at 164K, Mu2 return at 273K, T1 inlet 
temp at 208K. Cooling looks good for overnight.
  49   Mon Sep 13 10:55:25 2004 Doug PreddyShut DownQuench and shutdown
The solenoid quenched on powerlead temps this morning at 10:00. It is 
warming up and the power leads are >200K.Isolating and purging the coldbox 
is not very useful now, so I am shutting the system down.
  108   Tue Jul 19 18:09:56 2005 Willy AnderssonQuench RecoveryQuench II
Machine trip just as I was exiting the TRIUMF gate. QRL said cold box fault 
as did red lite on compressor. At cold box panel all turbine red lites were 
on and compressed air failure lite was on. But there was no problems with 
compressed air. On fist trip logger LED # 8 and 16 were lit. Restarted 
compressor then start flow to cold box, start turbines, start // warm 
return until temps returning back from solenoid were <= TIC121 then 
switched to //cold return mode. Opened cv155 to 0.88
Solenoid temps at 24K and starting to trend down.
  198   Wed May 30 11:27:32 2007 Doug PreddyQuench RecoveryProblems recovering
Various start up problems :
MV51 stuck open. Finally got it closed by hitting the valve with a hammer.
Vacuum is bad in cold box as MV902 tripped closed.
Vacuum in solenoid has gone bad. Suspect boil off from inside solenoid. So 
far it is not recovering.
Previously T1 would not spin up - frozen.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455