M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 10 of 15  ELOG logo
Entry  Fri Jul 25 21:48:15 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, another quench 
System was stable and solenoid ramped up at 4:00 today. At about 7:30 it tripped off again. I came in and restarted the compressor and am now cooling in parallel cold return mode. Solenoid is at ~30K. I talked to Kevin and he will get the power leads on tomorrow morning. Once they are stable the power supply can be ramped up. I phoned Curtis, but there was no answer (he may be on holidays??)
Entry  Sat Jul 26 01:06:04 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Refrigerator in series mode 
Switched to series mode. Solenoid ~8K, starting to build liquid.
Entry  Sat Jul 26 01:29:21 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, power leads 
ops will monitor liquid level. When it's at 60% they will come down and open the power lead valve. When the temperature ripples die out the solenoid can be energized.
Entry  Sat Aug 23 17:02:38 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid quenched 
The solenoid quenched this afternoon at ~12:30. The compressor shut down. Fault lights were cold box trip. Restarted the compressor by 3:30 and started flow to the solenoid by 4:15. Peter Yandon came down with Ops' radio to investigate the radios may trip the solenoid. When the radio is keyed the vacuum guages jump. CG1, CG5 and the pirani gauges. This would trip of the refrigerator. More investigation to happen tomorrow and on maintenance day.
Entry  Sun Aug 24 06:45:14 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switch to series mode 
Entry  Fri Sep 26 09:45:18 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid quenched at 7:50 
Compressor on. Turbines started. Vacuum system recovering.
Entry  Fri Sep 26 09:50:18 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, started flow in parallel cold return mode 
Entry  Sun Oct 5 18:54:27 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid Quench ~16:30 
Restarted compressor and flow to coldbox by 18:30
Entry  Wed May 27 08:06:00 2009, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid quenched at 5:00 

The solenoid quenched at 5:00 this morning due to power lead temps. The temps started oscillating about 10 minutes before the trip. The compressor and the cold box stayed on. The flow to the solenoid was stopped.

The solenoid flow was started in parallel cold return at ~7:20.

Entry  Wed May 27 13:37:22 2009, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switch to series mode 

Switched to series mode at ~11:00. Built liquid to 55% by 13:30. Started flow to the power leads.

Entry  Wed May 27 15:01:34 2009, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, power leads 

Power leads are cold. There is still a small ripple. The power supply can be ramped up as soon as the ripples die out.

Entry  Fri Jul 10 00:34:03 2009, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, solewnoid quench due to power bump 

Solenoid quench due to power bump caused by an airplane crash in Richmond at ~ 22:00. Compressor off. Water pump off. Restarted compressor at ~ 11:30. Cooling solenoid in parallel cold return mode by 12:15.

Entry  Fri Jul 10 01:10:59 2009, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switch to parallel warm return 
Entry  Tue Jul 14 15:28:36 2009, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid ramped up 

The solenoid is cold and I have started to ramp up the power supply. Some slight ripples in the power leads, but they are dieing out. Liquid level is a lot more stable this time.

Entry  Fri Apr 9 07:34:55 2010, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switched to parallel cold return 

Switched to parallel cold return at about 7:30 this morning


Entry  Mon May 3 07:49:54 2010, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Solenoid quench Saturday 

Solenoid quenched at ~13:30 Saturday. Kevin came in later in the day to recover it. System was in all around mode, no flow to solenoid. Discharge pressure went over 12 bar while starting flow and tripped the compresswor. After restart solenoid was cooling well.

Monday morning 7:30 I opened CV155 to increase the cooldown rate.

Entry  Thu May 13 07:39:55 2010, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, solenoid quench last night 

Solenoid quenched on power lead temps last evening. I am recovering it in parallel cold return mode. C12~60K C1~50K.

Entry  Thu May 13 14:37:13 2010, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switching to series mode. 
Entry  Mon Jun 7 09:24:47 2010, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, started flow to power leads 
Entry  Thu Jun 9 06:53:40 2005, Experimentor, Other, Trip at 6:45 Today.  
Solenoid quenched at 6:45.  All temperature monitors were flat until trip.  
Hearing compressor stop was first warning.  Lights are:
Turbine T1 overspeed,  Compresor alarm, cryostat quench.

--Donald Arseneau
ELOG V2.9.2-2455