M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 43     Entry time: Tue Aug 24 12:09:50 2004
Author: Doug Preddy 
Operational Mode: Normal Running 
Subject: The past few days 
The solenoid has been re-started as of August 19. It was cooled down and 
energized over the weekend. Sunday night at 9:30 it tripped due to 
negative power lead going above it's set point. The system stopped flow to 
the solenoid, but kept the compressor and cold box running. While starting 
flow to the solenoid, we got a high pressure trip. I came in and restarted 
the compressor, after Curtis located and reset the over pressure 
interlock. The solenoid is cold and energized as of 3:30 pm yesterday. It 
is still stable as of now.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455