M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 27     Entry time: Thu May 6 09:32:13 2004
Author: Willy Andersson 
Operational Mode: Quench Recovery 
Subject: Additional notes from last night power lead problems. 
When performing last nights refrigerator adjustments I also increased the 
compressor discharge pressure to 11.25 barA. Also the backup air compressor 
was tripped off again and I reset it. Finally I opened the city water flow 
to the compressor water package chiller. PI110-1 reads 9.25 barA and PI120-1
reads just over 4 barA. Both power lead flowmeters pegged to top of scale.
Reset the "first trip" device that Don Dale had loaned us.

This morning the power leads had crept up slightly but still well below 
trip settings. Oscillations have not appeared yet. LHe vessel heater at 
about 14 to 15 %. Shield heat at about 16 %. Saved screen shots of 
m9_solenoid.dl and striptool windows to files may6_04_0900.BMP and 
may6_04_0905.BMP. TE106 is 81.6 Kelvin. Solenoid Current is stable at 404 
Amps. (DVM meter reads 20.2) Both power lead flowmeters still pegged to top 
of scale.

Closed HIC142 for 1 second then opened it wide open again to see effect on 
power lead flows. Other than the initial blip they just fall back to their 
previous value, no improvement. See file may6_04_0915.BMP. Adjusting 
turbine speeds slightly. Going to take a check in the compressor building 
then going on to other work.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455