M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 140     Entry time: Thu Jul 20 13:21:57 2006
Author: Willy Andersson 
Operational Mode: Quench Recovery 
Subject: started // warm return flow. 
TIC121 was down to 27K
warm return valves were wide open
opened supply valves CV143 and CV146.
TIC121 went up to about 37K
Mu1 return temperature went down to about same temp as TIC121 so set Mu1 to 
cold return. Open CV145 then close CV151. Mu2 return was still > TIC121 so 
kept it in warm return mode. Adjust turbines as required.
After about 20 minutes Mu2 return temp dropped down to about equal to Mu1 
return temp of about 38K. Then set Mu2 to cold return. Open CV147 then 
close CV143. TIC 121 drops to 30 K. Even though Mu1 and Mu2 return temps 
greater than TIC121 I will keep it in //cold return mode to see if the core 
solenoid temperatures will start to fall. To maximize the use of the 
cooling from T2 outlet temperature CV155 is tweaked open to its maximum 
stable opening. This helps cool the lower heat exchangers. If this works 
then cr_c1 and cr_c12 should start to tick downwards. If they keep rising 
then have to switch back to //warm return.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455